Thinglink is an interactive application that allows you to create a picture collage of images related to your content area. Within those images are links to websites, pictures, videos, and other materials that expand on the topic related to the picture. It is a great visual that allows students to explore various topics and content freely and easily. Because there are multiple options available to link to each picture, students can choose what way they want to learn about a subject. Questions can be posed in text directly on the pictures in order to get the students thinking about an idea as they learn.
It would be a great tool to use outside the classroom because it allows students freedom to learn about whatever they want and at whatever pace they want. This can be used as a necessary tool or a tool meant to expand on learning. The only real downside is that it can be a little complicated to organize and figure out. It is not as simple as some of the other apps we have used in class. Below is a tutorial on how to use the application.
Thinglink can be downloaded from the App store or online from Apple, here. The app is free to download and is also accessible online, as shown in the picture above.