Week 6 Reflection: The Truth Behind Technology: Educational Games Edition!

This blog post is about the benefits of using educational games to help aid in our students education. Things like, improving hand-eye coordination, brain training, problem solving, learning to deal with choices and their consequence, and skill building/improvement are all things suggested in the post. This blogger even suggests that these games will trick students into thinking they’re playing video games, which have become quite prevalent these days, even though they’re playing valuable games that will help them with their educational skills.

At the bottom of the post there are several game options linked. Out of those options, the following are the ones I thought were the best.


FunBrain.com is a website with a bunch of different educational games. More games than I have time to play. It is designed in such a way that appeals to younger children, but included games that I even enjoyed, so the appeal is wider than what was intended.


PBS Kids Math is a very similar website to FunBrain.com. It is designed for kids, but the games are enjoyable for even myself, but the website design is much simpler. It is designed in a similar way to what most devices are today. It is organized into boxes of different categories that resemble apps which likely will make it more recognizable and easier to operate.


AdventureLand is the last on the list I will discuss and it is a little different than the others. AdventureLand is a single game where kids follow two different characters around a newly discovered island. This island adventure includes experiences that will sharpen the student’s math and reading abilities while explores caves, oceans, mountains, and taming local wildlife. It is for 1st and 2nd graders, but again, it is still fun even for me.

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